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    June 19, 2024

    Karnova Food Group: Endless Unites Yorkshire Premier Meat and Smithfield Murray

    In an exciting development, Endless has brought together Yorkshire Premier Meat (YPM) and Smithfield Murray under the newly established Karnova Food Group. This strategic move is set to revolutionize Endless’s protein business and create a powerhouse in the UK’s business-to-business protein supply sector.

    A Unified Brand with Strong Heritage

    The Karnova brand will sit atop the existing YPM and Smithfield Murray brands, both of which retain their strong heritage and reputations. This means that while the overarching brand is new, the operational excellence and customer service that clients have come to expect from YPM and Smithfield Murray will remain unchanged. Importantly, there are no plans to consolidate production between the two brands, ensuring stability for customers and suppliers alike.

    Ambitious Growth and Investment

    The focus will be on organic growth, with significant investments in sites, people, processes, and new technologies, alongside potential future acquisitions. This strategy aims to harness the strengths of both YPM and Smithfield Murray, exploring further opportunities for synergy and expansion.

    “Bringing YPM and Smithfield Murray under the Karnova name is an exciting and important step in our growth strategy,” he said.

    Paul Peachey, CEO of Karnova, emphasized the group’s ambitious growth plans.

    A Major UK Force in Protein Supply

    Formed in 2023, Karnova Food Group has rapidly established itself as a major force in the UK’s protein supply market. With revenues exceeding £120 million, the group provides flexible, multi-protein supply solutions to a wide range of customers. The group employs over 250 people across two key sites in South Kirkby, near Doncaster, and Trafford Park, Manchester.

    Innovation at Its Core

    The name Karnova, derived from Latin words meaning “meat” and “newness,” reflects the company’s innovative approach to the meat industry. This rebranding marks a fresh chapter for Endless’s protein business, promising exceptional product quality and outstanding customer service.

    Looking Ahead

    Endless’s formation of Karnova Food Group highlights its commitment to growth and excellence in the protein supply market. With ambitious plans for the future, Karnova is well-positioned to expand its market presence and continue delivering top-quality products to its customers.

    Endless brings its meat brands together under the dynamic Karnova umbrella, setting the stage for a new era of innovation and growth in the protein supply sector.


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