Greenray Turbine Solutions Limited

Greenray is an innovative business offering a wide range of essential OEM services to its oil and gas customers, including field servicing, spare parts and component repairs, control systems and workshop repairs across a range of legacy gas turbines The business is headquartered in Lincoln with operations in Aberdeen, and currently has c.60 UK employees.
Enact purchased the business out of administration in June 2018. During this period a new management team have been recruited, the offices have been relocated and relationships with UK, European and overseas customers who value the expertise and engineering solutions Greenray provides in the oil & gas and power generation industries have been reignited.
Greenray has maintained its relationship with Siemens Energy Limited being the only Advanced Partner of Siemens Energy for several fleets of mature gas turbine packages, operating as the OEM thorugh a global network of technical experts providing 24/7 support to owners and operators of turbine machinery worldwide.